Support local business when you can.

With businesses around Maine temporarily shut down due to COVID-19, many folks are struggling. This site is meant to be a resource for Mainers who want to continue to shop local. The businesses below all offer convenient online shops and can safely deliver orders to your door. Let's keep Maine small business alive. We're all in this together.

Business Information

If you have more than one location, use your primary/flagship address.

Please upload an image you own that represents your business (i.e., a photo of your shop, your products, etc.). This should be least 1200x630 px (landscape) and a JPG or PNG.

Max file size 10MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.

Select up to three tags that are most relevant to your business. One should match the main business category you selected above. Hold Control or Command to select multiple items.

Note: If you sell face masks, make sure to select that. (it can be a fourth tag).

In case we need to get in touch to ask questions. This won't be made public.
If people can order by phone, enter the number here:

This should be a short blurb, one sentence about your business. This shows up in the listing pages.
Approx 150-200 characters is recommended.

Write a paragraph description about your business. This shows on your business profile page with your other info.

If customers need to follow any specific instructions about ordering, add them in here:

Which of these do you offer? Check all that apply.

Thank you!

Your submission has been received and is currently being reviewed. If you have questions, or need to make edits, send them to us at

Help spread the word and keep small Maine commerce on the map. Share @maineopenonline far and wide with the tag #MaineOpenOnline — the only way through this is together.
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